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The Difference You Make Jamaica

Updated: 6 days ago

The third largest island in the Caribbean, Jamaica is home to nearly 3 million people. The island’s beauty continues to be marred by an alarming increase in poverty, violent crime, and unemployment, which stands at 7.72 percent.

Throughout the island, there is a tremendous need for decent housing, care for vulnerable children, modern school buildings, agriculture initiatives, and other income-generating projects.

What began with small-scale food distributions in Kingston has now grown into a massive network of like-minded groups and individuals working together to help Jamaica’s destitute children and families.

Donation Inspires Messages of Hope and Gratitude in Jamaica

Below are just a few of the many messages of hope and gratitude received from Jamaica for the much-needed furniture donated by caring in-kind donor LRP Recycling.

Food, water, clothing, sleep, and shelter are some of the basic necessities for anyone’s survival, but there are other things that make life worth living. For many people in Jamaica, however, these other things are simply inaccessible.

One such item is furniture. While it may not be classified as a need for some, for families who struggle to survive, this is a treat that they cannot afford.

It is for this reason that we express sincere thanks for the donation of dorm furniture from LRP Recycling, which was redirected to families whose socioeconomic background does not allow them to have good furniture.

The recipients were very grateful as they were able to improve their level of comfort and warmth within their homes while creating a more aesthetically pleasing space. This gift was a great boost for their overall well-being and mental health.

These are their stories and expressions of appreciation to the donors ...

Alton Davis is a farmer who lives in a rural community in Westmoreland, Jamaica. He earns a living by selling the produce that he grows on his farm.

“I grew up very poor, so I am used to the rough life but now that I have the table and chairs, I really appreciate it,” said Alton, one of the many beneficiaries of this wonderful donation.

“Eating at dinner time is more comfortable and when my friends visit, I feel a sense of pride knowing that I have somewhere nice and comfortable for them to enjoy,” he said, adding, “I am happy.”

Alton concluded, “God bless you, I appreciate what you have done for me.”

Pictured below are the table and chairs that Alton Davis is most grateful for, especially at dinner time and when guests arrive at his home in Jamaica. The furniture was donated by charitable in-kind donor LRP Recycling.

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